2025 information

For Drivers

Riders must find and arrange for a ride down from the summit.  There is a rideshare page to help facilitate participants connecting with rides. Although, we can help riders connect with a driver, securing a ride down from the summit is solely the responsibility of the registered participant and not that of Tin Mountain Conservation Center or the Auto Road.

Race information

Explore the course map, race day schedule, weather, records, and results.


The Auto Road

Driving to the summit is authorized by the Mt. Washington Auto Road and drivers need to be aware of the rules and regulations regarding use of the Auto Road. We encourage all riders and drivers to review the vehicle restrictions and other information posted on the Mount Washington Auto Road site.

Race day schedule

View the tentative schedule for the 2024 race, including tips on rider drop off and registration, when support vehicles are allowed to drive up, and timing for coming back down to the base.

Schedule →

Race day as a
support driver

Support drivers must leave the base, and head up the road between 6:15 am and 7:50 am. The road closes to uphill traffic at 8:00 am sharp. Drivers must drive all the way to and park at the summit.  'Leapfrogging' with riders is strictly prohibited. Absolutely no cars are allowed on the road after the race begins. Drivers and their riders & bikes, typically begin to drive down about noon.  Drivers should plan on spending 4-5 hours at the summit of Mt. Washington, home of the "worst weather in America". You MUST be prepared with food, water and warm, dry clothing for yourself and your riders/passengers. Your car is your primary shelter. Please do not 'camp out' in the State Park summit building, which opens at 9 am. Port-a-johns are available earlier.

Auto Road Information

Auto passes for 2024:

Vehicle restrictions:

1.) As a registered rider, you receive one “Auto Pass” with your bib/race number. Give it to your driver and tell them to keep it safe. Support drivers MUST have that Auto Pass to drive to the summit. With only 1 pass, they are subject to the passage fees. Fees will be paid at the toll house. The toll house is open on race morning from 6 am to 8 am. All support vehicles must be on the road before 8 am.

1.) The interior weight in the support driver’s vehicle car cannot exceed 900 lbs coming down (driver, passengers, bikes, gear). Please add up the weight of each passenger and any additional luggage to make sure it is under this 900 lbs limit. This is a CRITICAL safety issue on the Auto Road. Tests have shown that weights exceeding  900 lbs strains the transmission when in low gear, especially  on the steep grades. This results in excess braking, which leads to overheated brakes and possible break failure. Please keep the interior weight of the car in check.

2.) Driving to the summit is authorized by the Mt. Washington Auto Road and drivers need to be aware of the rules and regulations regarding use of the Auto Road. We strongly encourage all riders and drivers to review the vehicle restrictions and other information posted on the Mount Washington Auto Road site:

Auto road restrictions

A driver with:

0 Auto Passes – Drivers MUST have an auto pass to drive to the summit. Cars with only spectators will not be permitted.

1 Auto Pass – This driver will be charged current normal passage fees for the Auto Road. Weight limit restrictions apply*. See Auto Road website. Prices are set by the Auto Road and are subject to change.
Please bring cash - it's quicker!

2 Auto Passes + Passengers – The car + driver (only) receive FREE passage on the Auto Road; each additional passenger - adult and/or child (over 5 yo) - will be required to pay the current rate.  Weight limit restrictions apply*. See Auto Road website. Prices are set by the Auto Road and are subject to change.
Please bring cash - it's quicker!

3+ Auto Passes – This car + driver (only) will receive FREE passage on the Auto Road and is not permitted to have any passengers. Weight limit restrictions apply*. See Auto Road website. Prices are set by the Auto Road and are subject to change.
Please bring cash - it's quicker!


Although we can help, securing a ride down from the summit is solely the responsibility of the registered participant and not that of Tin Mountain Conservation Center or the Auto Road.

Ridesharing Facebook

Registration for 2025 opens March 1st!